Tari Rentak Kudo Dari Ritual Panen Ke Hiburan Di Desa Tanjung Sungai Penuh



This study aims to analyze the change in function of Rentak Kudo Dance from harvest rituals entertainment Hamparan Rawang Subdistrict, Sungai Penuh City. The analysis focused on dance performances events at weddings. type research is qualitative with descriptive analytical methods. object Subdistrict. main instrument researcher himself who assisted tool collecting data field form stationery and photo cameras. Data collection techniques literature studies, observations, interviews documentation. are by data, analyzing sorting appropriate changes then describing issues discussed. results that used be displayed ritual event Kota Penuh, certain requirements both choose dancers 6 women men, floor pattern only a straight line, music pegiring tambourines only. Dancers also obliged perform flowers, oranges frankincense. offering paired body dancer. As for as wedding evening, performance undergoes mass accompaniment remix/ DJ single organ. has undergone very different social entertainment, which popular among local community.

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عنوان ژورنال: Jurnal Sendratasik (edisi elektronik)

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['2302-3201']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24036/js.v10i3.114480